Wai Wai Nu

human rights and women’s rights advocate


After seven years as a political prisoner in Burma, Wai Wai Nu emerged as a prominent voice fighting for equal rights and democracy. In 2013, she founded Women’s Peace Network. Since then, she has tirelessly fought against the political oppression, violence and genocide that’s plagued women, youth and marginalized communities, especially those from the Rakhine State. Her continued peace building efforts have earned her national and international recognition.

Wai Wai Nu received her bachelor’s degree in law (LL.B) from the University of Yangon in Myanmar and her master’s degree in law (LL.M) from the University of Berkeley. She previously served as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan’s Center for the Education of Women and as an Obama Foundation Scholar at Columbia University of New York. Wai Wai Nu was also a Scholar at the Bush Institute, Liberty and Leadership Forum and Draper Hills Summer Fellow at Stanford University’s CDDRL. Recently, Wai Wai served as a fellow at the Center for the Prevention of Genocide, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Currently, she serves as a visiting scholar with the Human Rights Centre at the University of Berkeley, USA. 


  • DVF International Award (2021)

  • City of Athens Democracy Award (2021)

  • Civil Society Youth Champion Award for Religious Freedom (2020)

  • Hamilton Lugar School Global Voices for Change Award (2020)

  • Impact Hero (2019)

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton Award presented by Georgetown University (2018)

  • Democracy Courage Tributes (2015)


  • Women of the Year, Financial Times (2018)

  • Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2018)

  • Next Generation Leader, Time (2017)

  • “100 World Thinkers,” Foreign Policy (2015)

  • “100 inspiring women,” Salt (2015)

  • “100 Top Women,” BBC (2014)